
Advent Calendar

UPDATE! Just sharing with you the things I've done so far!

I always get really excited when December comes around and I think of all the "Christmasy" things I will do until the new year... then new year comes and December goes right on by and I feel like I didn't really get to enjoy it.
Because I want to make memorable traditions for my kids to be excited about later on, I have decided to do some sort of Advent Calendar this year.
I dont have a cute decoration for it or anything, but I do have things I would like to get done this month. I guess the cute decorations will come when Jackson is a little older.
It's the 2nd today so I've already lost out on 2 precious days, but I guess starting now is better than not starting at all.

  1. Tell someone you love them DONE
  2. Make Hot Chocolate and Marshmellows done
  3. Make a popcorn garland decided it might be a bad idea because jackson wanted to eat it
  4. Make a tree decoration that reminds you of Christ
  5. Make tradition to make at least one tree decorations with Jackson Done
  6. Put up Christmas decorations while listening to Christmas Music Done
  7. Make decorative sugar cookies and share them with neighbors Done
  8. In your prayers today, only give thanks without asking for anything. Doing this today- it really is harder than it seems.
  9. Try to be as kind as possible to everyone today
  10. Go to the temple with James Done
  11. Send a card to a friend by mail in this holiday season Done
  12. Go to temple square and enjoy the lights
  13. Be the first to say hello to everyone today
  14. Drive around the neighborhood and look at Christmas lights Done
  15. Open a gift on Christmas Eve as a family (PAJAMAS!)
  16. Put up a wreath Done
  17. Rent a holiday movie
  18. Go to Barnes and Nobles and pick out a new Christmas CD We got one from my MIL
  19. Exchange gifts Doing this Christmas Eve with family
  20. Make a give list instead of a list of gifts you'd like Done
  21. Find mistletoe, hang in the house and kiss under it.
  22. Make snow angels It hasnt snowed this much
  23. Make a snow man It hasnt snowed this much

There. 23 because I've already used up two days. No certain order. I just want to do them. Hope you guys have some ideas on how to enjoy this time of year!

Thanks to rockstar diaries and babble for some of these ideas!


Molly and Derek said...

So, I am copying this and putting it on my blog (hehe-- like 5 hours before Christmas). Your little man is so adorable, Jess! Hope yall are doing well :) Miss and love you

Molly and Derek said...

So, Im copying this and putting it on my blog! Your little man is so precious, Jess! Hope yall are doing well :) Love and miss you