
Baby News!

James and I planned on keeping the baby a secret either until we saw this baby in the Ultrasound or maybe even until the end of the month. Neither actually worked out.
We don't do well at surprises very often, though we try endlessly.
Wether it be meal choices, or getaways or presents... one of us usually gives in.

But you know what? We are so happy you cannot blame us for being unable to contain it.

Sharing the news with our families was amazing. My only regret was not having had the video camera out when my mom actually let this information sink in. The screams, the jumps, the rubbing of my belly... it was all priceless. And the moment when we told James' family, and found out we are not the only ones pregnant, but others too...with TWINS. And due a week before us. We couldnt have asked for anything other than little friends. We are so excited.

Starting Monday, I will be starting a new little section of this blog called, "Letters to my Baby."
There are so many things I want to say to this child. So many things I am constantly finding out about the growth of this baby and the changes in my body that make me giggle.
And I want to share those things.

So here goes to a new little chapter in our blog and in our lives.

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