
On the search for the perfect boot

I haven't really accepted the fact that I'm not getting any bigger after 3 months of pregnancy. I thought by now I would at least be able to see a bump, but it only shows up at night when no one else can see it.

I have accepted though, that at some point in the next six months, I WILL be getting much much bigger and will have to adjust to that. Concidering 90% of shoes I own are all above 4 inches tall, I need to make some serious adjustments for the growing body.

I have been looking for flat boots that are good quality and stylish enough that I can wear them with jeans on a day I might not want to try too hard, or with a dress to church on sundays.
Here are the recent picks I've been looking at.

Know that I am admiring the STYLE not the price. So if anyone sees something similar for a fraction of the price, it would be really appreciated if you let a sista know.



Kevin, Kelsey and Annalise.... said...

I love number 3, I think you could wear it with anything!

tgood said...

pretty sure i love #1... Just sayin...

Jessica said...

Thanks guys!